Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life - It Happens

Just over three years ago, I posted a semi-apologetic update of my previous year because I had neglected to write anything during that time.  However, it has now been three years since I last posted and I don't even feel guilty.  I don't feel guilty because I've been quite busy!

April 2013 - Brandon and I became foster parents to a relative's baby.  This was unexpected and we didn't have but a couple days to prepare.  He stayed with us for about six weeks before returning home.  Also, my nephew who was mentioned as likely to be a preemie was born completely healthy and only a couple days before his due date.

May 2013 - We got married!!  While on our honeymoon we only ate at new restaurants, watched new-to-us movies (it rained a lot), and enjoyed activities that at least one of us had never experienced, such as horseback riding (a first for him) and getting tattoos (a first for me).

May 2014 - We celebrated our one-year anniversary on a Friday and welcomed our son on Sunday!  It was an exhausting and exciting weekend for us!

May 2015 - A few days before our son's first birthday, I left my full-time job to make raising him a priority.  There have been hard days, of course, but he is so worth it.  I am very happy to be able to spend my days with this sweet, little miracle who adores me.

As you can imagine, becoming a mother has kept me quite busy, but today I finally got an opportunity while both husband and son were napping to sit down and start writing again.  I've been working on a book which I may or may not ever finish for many years now and also have decided to start writing about a new experience that I'm going through - gestational surrogacy.  Currently, I am 34 weeks pregnant with a healthy, strong boy who will travel home with his biological family once released from the hospital.  It's been an interesting journey thus far, but rewarding in that I know that I'm making the impossible possible for his mother.

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